Monday, March 31, 2008

Moonie Evolution

Online Videos by

All I can say is ya' gotta watch this. I simply do not know what to think. If you believe this stuff (and I tend toward that position) you are led to ask the obvious question:

What the hell is going on?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Seeing is media is believing media?

Anyone else see this? In truth you may not be able to properly read it here so I've set it up so that you can click on the image and be linked to the Metro site (Philly not NY - but it's the same). Holy crap!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More On Obama - And Change

Why the image of a young Abraham Lincoln? He was a man with a scant amount of experience before becoming president.

The following opinion (letter to the editor ) was posted in the Metro paper this morning by Benjamin A. Sperling:

"What is Barack Obama changing?
It is a sad but true testament to the intelligence of this nation when a populist with no credentials whose only positive is a vote against the Iraq war can even be allowed to run for president. I have asked many Obama supporters why they are voting for him and the response is always that he promotes change. What is he changing? None of them know. How will he do it? Again, no response. Is it just that he speaks eloquently? Please, someone tell me why?"

I've heard this question asked many times before, and I've decided to take this opportunity to respond with my view. In case they choose not to print my letter - this is the answer that I sent off about an hour ago to the Metro and Mr. Sperling. . .

In response to the question raised by Benjamin A. Sperling in Thursday's edition of the Metro: "What is it that Barack Obama changing?" Have you been listening to the so-called campaign tactics of Ms. Clinton? She has stated publicly that sees herself and John McCain as experienced, but calls Obama nothing more than a speechmaker. Mr. Obama is changing that willingness on the part of a presidential candidate to do anything to win - even at the cost of one's own party. And let us examine the question of experience once and for all: Have you noticed that the man in the White House right now has seven years of experience behind him, and that such experience clearly does not qualify him to be President? Experience in office or in public service is not the measure of who will be the best person for the job. Who it is that people are supporting in this call for change is a person with life experience who knows how to communicate clearly with the rest of the world as our representative. Based solely on Mr. Obama's ability to speak diplomatically, passionately and persuasively he will most certainly change the current bullying tactics of the Bush administration. Change is what it's all about Mr. Sperling. Let me ask you a question. Do you really want things to stay the way they are?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Light's of Grand Central

The beautiful and ornate light fixtures in Grand Central Station are icons passed to us from 1913. A few days ago, as I walked my usual path through the crowds in the Main Concourse, I found my focus on the ten central chandeliers. Each one supports one-hundred-forty-four 40-watt bulbs. I was struck by the impact of that number. To burn those standard tungsten bulbs 24 hours a day at 40 watts apiece requires 57600 watts. Notably, I checked one of the single light fixtures along the wall and those are 50 watt bulbs, perhaps a special purchase. Whatever, my point is that the cost of lighting a 40 watt bulb for 24 hours is approximately $.0.86, assuming the kwh cost is around $0.09. For 1440 of them that's around $452,016.00 each year just for the bulbs in those chandeliers. There are possibly thousands of bulbs throughout the terminal. Why does the MTA need to increase fares when they are so clearly willing to waste money to the tune of millions for an environmentally unfriendly choice?

In the film, "An Inconvenient Truth" it was noted that we could each take personal responsibility for the planet. In my house we have indeed switched to the CF (Compact Florescent) bulbs. The following is a quote from the site: "If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year, more than $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars." In our home we have switched out all the bulbs. What's keeping Grand Central from doing the same?

In December here was a lot of talk around the New Year's ball on Times Square being converted to LCD lights and the amazing amount of energy being saved. As I look back now, I'm seeing all that media coverage as so much smoke and mirrors; a slight of hand distracting our collective attention away from something economically and environmentally meaningful. If energy efficient bulbs are good enough for my home and your home, then I would think that they are plenty good enough for our transportation cathedral. Will it continue to be beautiful if all of the bulbs are replaced with energy efficient alternatives? Of course it will: have you not seen the place?

My Flickr

Sounds somehow wrong, doesn't it? is a link to my Flickr web page and I'm trying to figure out why it's better to use Flickr than to simply upload images right here into the blog. I'm sure that the answer will soon become apparent. it is only recently that I've figured out how to upload a video to the blog. Here's one that I shot yesterday as I was heading home and encountered the mob scene at Grand Central (where by the way I've recently taken issue with the thousands of tungsten lights used throughout the building). But that's another post (my next one) titled The Light's of Grand Central which is an editorial essay that the Metro New York paper refused to print.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Barack H. Obama

I cannot say why, perhaps because of all of the attack-talk from the right - calling this candidate by his middle name as if it were the determining factor of his abilities, but I was inspired to run Mr. Obama's name through an online Anagram Generator when I happened across something very interesting: It was only when I inserted his middle name, "Hussein" into the mix was the word, "American" produced.

I pulled the image from
