Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yes, yes I know...

...I haven't been around for a while. What can I tell you? I've been busy:-) However this is a posting With the specific intent of introducing you to my account - which can be found here (have you ever noticed that when you create a link on a page that you have to switch it off if you don't already have a space after it?) Not that I get distracted by technology or anything... Anyway, you'll find that the (that's in case the link doesn't work) account is all about media - since that's what I'm into and what I do.

Frankly, with that being said I've only seen the social bookmarking thing in passing in the past, and never took the time to investigate it. Now that I have I suppose that it will take over my life like some sort of alien life form - and I'll be driven to heat my house to 100 degrees and maintain that temp at all times. After seven days when I determine that the temp is stable I will grow pods in the basement and pay obeisance to my cat. Not that that's anything that could really happen... and has never happened before... or anything.

Have I ever mentioned that I love sci-fi?

Oh the image of the guy on the road you ask: well funny thing I was on a flight to Rome, flipping through a French language magazine (wow I sound so cosmopolitan) when I came across this pic. What you may not be able to determine because you don't know me that well is that this guy looks one hell of a lot like me - if I decided to become a biker or something - but still he looks very much like me even to the way I stand. Yes Virginia I have a doppelganger, and this is not the Twilight Zone.

1 comment:

olga said...

i totally know what you mean about the link thing - that if you don't somehow break the link, it will just keep going on in the text. i just hit enter, that usually does the trick....