Monday, March 3, 2008

Barack H. Obama

I cannot say why, perhaps because of all of the attack-talk from the right - calling this candidate by his middle name as if it were the determining factor of his abilities, but I was inspired to run Mr. Obama's name through an online Anagram Generator when I happened across something very interesting: It was only when I inserted his middle name, "Hussein" into the mix was the word, "American" produced.

I pulled the image from



Karen said...

Nice looking digs you got here anagram generator, I will check this out. Tomorrow is March 4th. I'm hoping for a speedy conclusion to the democratic primaries ending with the name Obama.

About "Our Favorite Grapes" said...

Hey John,

Although I am not a supporter of Senator Obama's, I was very intrigued by the results of the generator. Irony is not without a sense of humor.

We'll have to see how tonight's Primaries end to see if he's the Dem candidate.

See you in "class"


olga said...

too bad it didn't say "next president". i don't like the way the media has been framing hillary's recent wins in texas and reminds me of during the last election campaign when suddenly John Carey was the only candidate left, in the eyes of the big media outlets...

tsevis said...

Hi there!
I am happy that you found my Obama's portrait interesting.
Greetings from Greece.
Go Obama!
Yes we can!