Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I love this kinda thing

I've been researching for a narrative film script that I'm working on with two partners. Our story revolves around a simple alternative to fossil fuels. I came across this a couple of days ago:

Very interesting.

OMG - it's a day later and I've convinced myself! As I looked at what was being offered it became more than interesting to me and I bought the books. I'll be in the process of converting my car (a '97 Honda) over the next few weeks. I'll post updates of my progress in this blog (or I may start another one just for that exploration). Well there you are - I did start another blog beginning with a copy/paste of this posting. If you want to see that one which will document my experience...
You Can Get There From Here.

The more I look at the technology the more I like it. In the meanwhile I've signed on as an affiliate so that others can get the information as well.

If you want to support my experiment you can begin by Clicking Here.

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